By Barbara A. Grady, BS, RN
I wanted to send you this note to let you know a little about myself and what the Shaklee products and opportunity has done for me. I am 33 years old, have a 5 y/o daughter and 2 ½ y/o son and in a previous life was a practicing Registered Nurse. For my husband and me,
having our own business has been such an AWESOME gift. A great friend of ours introduced us to whole idea of network marketing over 2 years ago. And starting in November of 2004, we started our SHAKLEE business.
I did some research on the products and decided to try the Weight Loss System and the Basics vitamin pack through Shaklee. I knew I had to lose 40 lbs and get back the energy that I had 13
years ago. I am 5'8 and was 190lbs.
Well, I am happy, no, ELATED, to say that I have lost 30lbs to date and have so much energy to keep up with my kids. I also joined a gym last week, so I can look "real good" in my bathing suit this summer. Before, when I went to the gym, I was fat, tired, and had no energy. Now I have so much energy, that I want to work out.
I'd like to tell you that Shaklee products have helped me immensely, because my body was "out of whack", it just wasn't right. I would have terrible mood swings, due to the "ups and downs" in my insulin and blood sugar levels. And I would grab for carbohydrates for every meal, and then some. After, being on the system for 2 ½ months I've noticed that I don't go for the refrigerator at night and I don't wake up starving. I think I wasn't giving my body the proper amount of protein and definitely not the right type of carbohydrates. The vitamins in the Basics pack are awesome. My nails and hair are so much stronger and fuller. My skin is clear and glowing (and, no I'm not pregnant, Ha, Ha!) I always thought I had S.A.D. (Seasonal Affect Disorder) in the winter, due to less sunlight, but guess what, this winter I feel so great! I think the B-Complex vitamin has helped me in this area. (I call it the happy pill).
Anyway, I could go on and on about all the products that Shaklee has, but I think the weight loss and Basics vitamin pack have helped me the most. I hope this note can help everyone that needs a little kick start in their Shaklee business and most importantly their health.
Barbara A. Grady, BS, RN
Orange County, New York's Fit for Success

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 at 12:29 PM
Weight loss the healthy way: a testimonial
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