Happy Pregnancy and Childbirth Testimonial
by Melissa Anderson-Delgado
As an Enthusiastic Shaklee user and distributor, I decided to use Shaklee Nutritional products instead of the prescribed pre-natal vitamins during my pregnancy.
I did a some research and found that what I was already taking on a daily basis was more complete than ones doctors prescribe.
Aside from providing pre-natal nutritional support, I also used many of the Shaklee products as remedies for some common "discomforts" that occur at different points of a normal pregnancy. I hope that these hints help other mothers to be!
I found in early pregnancy (first trimester) that I would have emotional swings and tearful moments.
One or two GLA capsules, (3) B-Complex and (2) Calcium (Calcium Magnesium or Calcium Complex) would calm and soothe my nerves. I also used calcium (3 or 4) before bedtime
to help me sleep better and prevent leg cramps. The only leg cramps I got ( and they were VERY painfully intense) were on the evenings when I skimped on the calcium.
At various times throughout the pregnancy, I had some minor nausea, queasiness, and even acid reflux, just like all the books and magazines will warn you. I found relief by using Shaklee Peppermint Ginger Plus teas ( cooled for a refreshing drink), and 5 or6 Alfalfa tablets.
At one point, just for a few weeks, I could not stand the smell or taste of my favorite Shaklee Energizing Soy Protein.
I did not want to go without, so I opted for the delicious Shaklee Meal Shakes (which tasted great to me) and I would add one scoop of the soy protein. I also used the new Shaklee Instant
Protein when I made hot cereal for breakfast.
I found that my skin got much drier and just using more lotion did not help. I then discovered that the Enfuselle Calming Complex sealed in with Enfuselle Hand and Body Lotion would soothe and heal any dry patches or rashes. I also made sure to use the Hand and Body Lotion- all over- after every bath or shower to prevent stretch marks with excellent results.
I also have had no swelling and only the minimal healthy weight gain. I attribute that to drinking alot of BestWater and using Alfalfa (to minimize water retention) and using the Shaklee
supplements to give me and the baby the nutrients we both need to be healthy and happy!
I thank Shaklee products for helping me enjoy a wonderful pregnancy and birth of my baby girl. I think I have fallen in love with Shaklee all over again!
Very Enthusiastically,
Melissa Anderson-Delgado
Shaklee Coordinator and New Mommy
HealthierbyNature.com's Fit for Success

Monday, June 25, 2001 at 2:28 PM
My Healthy Pregnancy Program by Melissa Anderson-Delgado
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